1.Sustainabledevelopment achievable for all. How cansustainable development be achieved for all?
2.Sufficient clean water for everyone, without conflict.How caneveryone have sufficient clean water without conflict?
3. Bringingpopulation growth and resources into balance.How canpopulation growth and resources be brought into balance?
4. Emerginggenuine democracy from authoritarian regimes.How cangenuine democracy emerge from authoritarian regimes?
5.Policymaking made more sensitive to global long-term perspectives.How canpolicymaking be made more sensitive to global long-term perspectives?
6. Globalconvergence of information and communication technologies work for everyone.How can theglobal convergence of information and communications technologies work foreveryone?
7.Encouraging ethical market economies to help reduce the gap between rich andpoor.How canethical market economies be encouraged to help reduce the gap between rich andpoor?
8. Reducingthe threat of new and reemerging diseases and immune microorganisms.How can thethreat of new and reemerging diseases and immune microorganisms be reduced?
9.Improving the capacity to decide as the nature of work and institutions change.How can thecapacity to decide be improved as the nature of work and institutions change?
10. Sharedvalues and new security strategies reduce ethnic conflicts, terrorism, and theuse of weapons of mass destruction.How canshared values and new security strategies reduce ethnic conflicts, terrorism,and the use of weapons of mass destruction?
11.Changing status of women helps improve the human condition.How can thechanging status of women help improve the human condition?
12.Stopping transnational organized crime networks from becoming more powerful andsophisticated global enterprises.How cantransnational organized crime networks be stopped from becoming more powerfuland sophisticated global enterprises?
13. Meetinggrowing energy demands safely and efficiently.How cangrowing energy demand be met safely and efficiently?
14.Accelerated scientific and technological breakthroughs to improve the humancondition.How canscientific and technological breakthroughs be accelerated to improve the humancondition?
15.Incorporating ethical considerations into global decisions more routinely.How canethical considerations become more routinely incorporated into globaldecisions?