Joint Meeting of The European Millennium Project Nodes Initiative (EuMPI) with the European Regional Foresight College (ERFC)

March 26, 2013 Paris, France
The European Millennium Project Nodes Initiative (EuMPI) with the European Regional Foresight College (ERFC) held on March 26, 2013 in Paris, France with the Management Board members, Ibon Zugasti, president of the European Regional Foresight College, Hélène von Reibnitz as vice-president and Michaël Van Cutsemas secretary presented the ERFC.
The result was the decision to combine their efforts to strengthen European foresight networking and to contribute to the convergence of foresight methods and practices across Europe.
Futurists attended the meeting in Paris coming from public and private research centers,companies, and universities from Germany, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Montenegro, Slovenia, Azerbaijan and Belgium (Wallonia).
Chairperson of Azerbaijan Future Studies Society and MP Node Reyhan Huseynova presented Azerbaijan at that meeting. Ms. Huseynova mentioned the recent activities of society The First International Baku Futures Forum - on Next Big Things for the Future of Azerbaijan: Post-oil Economy, the Millennium Project Planning Committee Meeting and pointed also the 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue organized by The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic in Baku, Azerbaijan on May-June 2013.
Further, the representatives of the different European Millennium Project Nodes presented their current activities. The meeting continued with the following the matic presentations on different issues by Riel Miller, as Director of the Foresight Unit in UNESCO, Philippe Destatte, for Millennia 2015.
Finally, the participants agreed the future actions in the following months until the next meeting of the ERFC-EUMPI, which planned holding in Warsaw, Poland, on the 21st-22nd of November 2013.