“Summer Camp for Refugees and Internally Displaced Children of Karabakh Conflict”.

Azerbaijan Future Studies Society with the financial contribution of the Youth Foundation under the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan completed the project of “Summer Camp for Refugees and Internally Displaced Children of Karabakh Conflict”. In the framework of the project 50 children – victims of Armenian aggression - became the participants of Summer School. The camp was located in Agjakand settlement of Goranboy region. The participants visited great Nizami`s mausoleum and were informed about the striking hero of our history Javad khan`s burial place in Gandja. They were acquainted with many other historical places, such as Nushaba`s Castle in Barda.
According to their historical interests children run in Khodjali museum, located in Agjakand and were informed about that genocide of XX century.
Training session which was one of the most crucial sessions was held concerning history, culture, children`s right, bad habits and reproductive health for the participants of the project.
Finally, the high school participants got information about the activity of Azerbaijan Future Studies Society (www.futurestudies.az) and Youth Foundation (www.youthfoundation.az), 15 Global Challenges of the Millennium Project (www.millennium-project.org). One of the most essential focuses of AFSS - studying the current trends and predicting future ones – was mentioned.
Besides all of this information, all the questions by children were answered. Alongside with it there were organized some intellectual and sport games inside of Summer Camp in order to spend free time more useful.