V National Essay Contest “Face to Face with Future Generations”
VNational Essay Contest “Face to Face with Future Generations”was organized by the Azerbaijan Node of The Millennium Project
High-level Award Ceremonycelebrated the winners of the 2013 Contest of high school and universitystudents from across Azerbaijan addressing the Global Challenges described byThe Millennium Project
“Faceto Face with the Future Generation” National Essay Contest isa joint project of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology ofAzerbaijan Republic (www.mincom.gov.az),the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic (www.edu.gov.az),The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Republic (www.mys.gov.az), the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of AzerbaijanRepublic (www.scfwca.gov.az),initiated by the Azerbaijan Future Studies Society (www.futurestudies.az). The Award Ceremony of the 5th National EssayContest was held at the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic, onNovember 4, 2013.
The Azerbaijan FutureStudies Society - Azerbaijan Node of The Millennium Project is conducting thisnational essay contest for high school and of universities (bachelor degree)students for five years. The participants are asked to study and suggestactions related to the 15 Global Challenges addressed by The Millennium Project.
“The main objective ofthe Contest is that the young generation of Azerbaijan understands that allprocesses in the world are interconnected and impact their future, so that theycomprehend and adapt to the new realities created by the political, economic,demographic, ecological, technological, and other changes. It educates theyoung people in the era of globalization to develop a strong, conflict-freefuture, and most of all to see the main impacts and interconnections of the 15Global Challenges of the Millennium Project in the context of the Azerbaijansociety”, says Reyhan Huseynova, President of the Azerbaijan Futures StudiesSociety, initiator of the contest.
This year, about 900high school and university students participated, from the following Azerbaijancities and regions: Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Ismayilli, Kurdamir, Gakh,Mingachevir, Khizi, Yardimli and Hajigabul. The jury of experts selected 51finalists--33 high school students and 18 university students (38 female and 13male.) At the award ceremony, the winners of the first three places receivedcertificates and valuable gifts from different Ministries of Azerbaijan.
The Award Ceremony was attended by high-level officials fromAzerbaijan, including Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Education; Ali Abbasov,Minister of ICT; Azad Rahimov, Minister of Youth and Sport; Hijran Huseynova,Minister of Family, Women and Children Affairs; Reyhan Huseynova, President ofAzerbaijan Futures Studies Society; as well as Concepcion Olaviarrieta fromMexico, Chair of the Mexican Node of The Millennium Project; and ElizabethFlorescu from Canada, Director of Research of The Millennium Project.
The university-levelstudents participating in the contest were from Azerbaijan State EconomicUniversity, Baku Asia University, Baku Business University, Ganja StateUniversity, Azerbaijan Medical University, Sumgayit State University, SumgayitState Technical University, Baku State Social-Economic College and SumgayitState Technical College.