Workshops on Security Foresight
2 workshops for each 2 days on Security Foresight were presented by Canadian expert, AssociateExecutive Director of Foresight Canada Dr. David Harries.
This workshop was at theinitiative of the Azerbaijan Node of the Millennium Project - Future Studies Society of Azerbaijan,as well as the support of the Azerbaijan State Economic University, Center forStrategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Khazar University.
The 1st SecurityForesight workshop was held in Azerbaijan State Economic University May 24-25,2011 for Members not of Security Communities, employees of relevantauthorities and experts who study securityissues and conflicts. The 2ndworkshop was held in Khazar University 26-27 May2011 for Members of Security Communities, studentsof international relations, social and politicalsciences and humanities.