Award ceremony of 6th National competition of essays “ Face to face to the future generation “.

29/04/2016 National competition of essays “Face to face to the future generation” is joint project of the society of Azerbaijan Future Studies– the office of the project of thousand years in Azerbaijan Republic with the Ministries of Communications and high technologies, education of youth and sports, State committee on problems of a family, women and children.
The professional jury has chosen 80 finalists from among the pupils of high schools and students of higher education institutions and colleges participating in a competition. As a result of an assessment of experts the 1st place has taken 29, 2ed place – 26, 3ed place – 25 pupil of high comprehensive schools and students of higher education institutions and colleges.
Winners and participants were students from Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Ismailli, Guba, Gakh, Udzhar, Shamkir, Bilyasuvar, Yardymli, Hyza and Hajikabul.
Winner students and prize-winners of the 6th National competition of essays "Face to face with future generations" represented by Baku state university, the Azerbaijan state economic university, the Azerbaijan state academy of Arts, the Baku Slavic university, the Baku university of business, Eurasia University, Caucasus University, the Azerbaijan technical university, the Baku computer college and College of the food industry. Winners of the competition and finalists have been handed diplomas and valuable presents.
This year the 6th National competition of essay "Face to face with future generations" has coincided with the 10 anniversary of Azerbaijan Future Studies Society. On an awards ceremony congratulations have sounded not only to winners of a competition, but also to Society. On anniversary of Azerbaijan Future Studies Society – the node of the Millennium Project in the Azerbaijan Republic was congratulated by the Minister of Education Mikail Jabbarov, the Minister of Communications and High Technologies Ramin Guluzade, the Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Ragimov, the chairman of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs Hicran Huseynova, the chairman of the board of state support of NGO under the President of Azerbaijan Republic Azay Guliyev, the director of the Center of Strategic Researches under the President of Azerbaijan Republic Farhad Mamedov, the executive Director of Azerbaijan Youth Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan Farkhad Gadzhiyev, the president of culture Association -"Simurg" of Azerbaijan Republic Fuad Mamedov. Also have sounded the video congratulations from the director of the Millennium Project Jerome Glenn and heads of the Nodes of the Millennium Project from Russia, USA, Canada, the Republic of South Africa and Slovenia.
The director of the Mexican office of the Project of the millennium Concepcion Olavarrieta became the honorable guest of the ceremony.