Baku Futures Forum BFF
The First International Futures Forum - brought together foresight Stakeholders (Government –Academia – Business –Futurists), identified & discussed relevant issues of the potential future economies for Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Future StudiesSociety, also acts as the Azerbaijan Node of the Millennium Project and theMillennium Project in partnership with the Ministry of Communications andInformation Technologies of Republic of Azerbaijan,the Centre for StrategicStudies under the President of Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Stateof Economic University of Republic of Azerbaijan had organized TheFirst International Baku Futures Forum - on Next Big Things forthe Future ofAzerbaijan: Post-oil Economy.
Over 60 delegates from localand over 30 from foreign countries – representing Government,politicians,Academy of Sciences, Business and Civil Societies, NGOs, futurists,the Millennium Project Nodes from all over the world, international and localmedia– had convened in Baku, Azerbaijan - to combine the efforts contributingthe dialogue among them at Baku Futures Forum, to be held on 3rd June2013.
The speeches of outstandinginternational experts from NASA, the National Science Foundation,Google,Singularity University, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences, Rocky Mountain University were presented at forum.Moreover, among the invitees were the Minister of Science of Montenegro, the other international and Azerbaijan specialists and officials.
The main focus of the Forumwas future technologies and new factors for the development of post-oileconomies, such as Nano and bio-technologies, as well as the strategic role ofinformation-communication technologies forming the Future.
One of the newesttechnologies that had been presented at Forum were Holography,demonstrated inAzerbaijan for the first time and 3D Printer, within the framework of theForum.