Azerbaijan Republic Day in Mexico

The 90-th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Republic was solemnly celebrated in May 28, 2008 both in Azerbaijan and outside it.
The embassy of the Azerbaijan Republic in the Mexican United States started its activity in January of this year and has already conducted a number of conferences and carried out some measures. In spite of the fact that, the diplomatic relations between our states has been lasting for 16 years, the opening of the diplomatic representation of Azerbaijan in Mexico in 2008, stimulated a new stage of collaboration in bilateral relations, and inparticular, in the field of economy and culture.
One of the activity trends of the Society of futurologists of Azerbaijan deals with the popularization of the cultural values of Azerbaijan.
In this connection, a ceremonial festive action has been held jointly with the Embassy of the Azerbaijan Republic in the Mexican United States, in the capitalof Mexico – Mexico City.
A group of musicians and dancers of our republic participated in this solemn event organized in the National anthropological museum of Mexico City in order to represent Azerbaijan in a worthy manner. The members of our delegation consisting of workers of Art presented a program comprising Azerbaijan national and classic musical compositions and dances.
At the same time, our compatriots residing in Mexico and engaged in the Mexican symphony orchestra as musicians also participated in this event.
In order to more closely familiarize the participants with our country, a 15 minute film about Azerbaijan has been demonstrated before the concert, and slides have been demonstrated during the concert.
Ilgar Mukhtarov- Charge d'affaires pro tempore of Azerbaijan in Mexicon arrated about the history of the first democratic state that sprang up 90 years ago in the East. He noted that present Azerbaijan, as a first independent state founded on the secular principles, also was built on the principles of tolerance and democracy.
Felippe Calderon-President of Mexico, Mrs. Patricia Espinoza- Minister of Foreign Affairs and the mayor of Mexico-Marchello Ebrard has congratulated the Azerbaijan nation and the state. Hose Ignacio Madraso-Director General for Europe from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered their letters of congratulation to our diplomatic representation in Mexico at the festive ceremony. Mr. Madraso expressed his pleasure as to the fact that a national holiday of Azerbaijan is celebrated in Mexico for the first time. The diplomat stated that Azerbaijan is one of rare states that have gained its independence twice.
The Chairman of the Society of futurologists of Azerbaijan - Mrs. Reyhan Huseynova noted in her speech that the Azerbaijan Republic having restored in1991 its independence, gained not only the flag, emblem and hymn of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, but following at the same time the glories way of her sons as a political successor of the state, has turned into the constitutional secular state by means of supporting the ideas of independence.
Being a chief negotiator, she stated, that this event, on our part, has becomea small contribution to the development of cultural contacts between Azerbaijan and Mexico and expressed her hopes to see the Mexican workers of art in our country in the nearest future.