On October 5, 2006 the plenary session of the Azerbaijan Future Studies Society was held in Baku.

On October 5, 2006 the plenary session of the Azerbaijan Future Studies Society was held in Baku.
Chairing the session, Ali Abbasov, the Minister of Communications and Information Technologies briefly talked aboutthe history of the society and informed the participants of the round table that the society was established in May 2006 in Baku to launch the research projects and studies about the future trends of the planet, region and Azerbaijan in particular.
Mr. Abbasov also said that Ms. Reyhan Huseynova has been electedas the chair of the society and he and American expert on the future studies Mr.Jerome Glenn as the co-chairs of the society.
Mr. Jerome Glenn co-founded and directs the Millennium Project - a transinstitutional and transdisciplinary global participatory think tank ofover 2,000 volunteer futurists, scholars, business planners and executives,scientists, and policymakers from more than 50 countries, supported by international organizations, governments, corporations, and NGOs, which produces the internationally recognized State of the Future annual reports. He is also the executive director of the American Council for the United Nations University, which represents the UNU in Washington, D.C.
After that, Ms. Huseynova has delivered the speech about the plans of the organization and Mr. Glenn has informed the participants of the discussion about the science of the future studies and its implications. After that,participants of the events have asked questions from the American quest and held discussions. Among the attendees of the event were Hicran Huseynova,the Chairperson of the State Committee on Women, Families and Children Affairs; Nargiz Pashayeva - vice rector of the Baku State University, RasimAliguliyev - Director of Institute of Information Technology Azerbaijan National Academy of Science; Hamlet Isakhanli - rector of Khazar University ; Shamsaddin Hajiyev - rector of the Economic University; Tofig Musayev - Director of Foreign Policy Planning and Strategic Studies Department; Fuad Iskandarov, Ambassador-at-Large, Secretary-General of the Azerbaijan National Commission for UNESCO; Fariz Ismailzade - chairman of the American Alumni Association; and others.
At the end, Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Reyhan Huseynova and Mr. Jerome Glenn about the opening of the Node of the Millennium Project in Azerbaijan. Thus, Azerbaijan became 29th country in the world to have the Node of Millennium Project.
Baku, Azerbaijan